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CNC Machining vs Manual Machining: What’s the Difference?

cnc machining vs manual machining differences
Austin Peng
Published 20 Jan 2025
Table of Content

Machining is opted for manufacturing components that can be used in different industries. Hence, when it comes to manufacturing components, the two machining options are manual machining and CNC machining.

The guide below can be very helpful as it features information on CNC machining vs manual machining. So, let's read.

What is CNC Machining?

CNC machining is quite popular these days because it can offer complex components that are manufactured accurately and with flexibility. The process is highly scalable and can be chosen for high-volume production as well as prototyping.

CNC machining uses software that is programmed and fully automated. Hence, the human intervention in this process is minimal. The instructions are entered into the software, and the software converts them into code that the machine understands.

All the tools used in CNC machining work according to the instructions and create components.

What is Manual Machining?

cnc and manual machining difference

Manual machining, as the name suggests, is a manual process with no automation and needs expertise so that the entire process can be managed.

The tools used in the process, like grinders, mills, and lathes, are all operated manually to shape and cut the materials. Manual machines need skills to control the depth, speed, and feed rate, followed by careful adjustment and tool selection.

How to Choose Between CNC Machining vs Manual Machining?

When it comes to selecting between CNC machining vs manual machining, you have to consider their application requirement as discussed below.

Applications of CNC Machining

Different Industrial Uses

CNC machining is suitable for industries where volume production is needed, such as the automobile industry, which needs CNC lathes and mills. It helps to create transmission and engine components. The manual machining is very slow in this case.

Prototyping Tasks

CNC machining is also ideal when it comes to creating prototypes. The process can help create components that are the same as the final ones. Hence, testing the design can be done at a higher level with more extensiveness before leading to mass production.

Rapid Tooling Applications

CNC machining is suitable for rapid tools as it can work on materials that are hard. Manual machining poses a challenge when machining materials that are tough.

Applications of Manual Machining

Small-Scale Projects

Manual machines are suitable when small tasks that do not need any complex geometries are required to be carried out.

Personal Craftsmanship and Customization

Manual machining is suitable in such applications where personalization is given priority over volume production. The metalwork that has an artistic touch or special prototypes is mostly designed using manual machining methods.

Repair and Maintenance

Some components that are hard to find and belong to old machines can also be manufactured through manual machining as it allows highly personalized fabrication.

Advantages and Disadvantages of CNC Machining and Manual Machining

Advantages of CNC Machining

advantages of cnc machining

The advantages of opting for CNC machining are as follows:

  • When compared to manual machining, CNC machining has a fast processing speed, and in less time, it can produce a high volume of components.
  • It is suitable for repeatable designs and offers consistency.
  • The CNC machining process is automated, and needs less labor, which reduces the cost of labor.
  • It uses CAD and CAM software, which allows the machinists to create complex designs with curves and contours.

Disadvantages of CNC Machining

There are some downsides of CNC machining as well, and these are as follows:

  • It requires a high initial investment because the cost of the machine and its setup are expensive.
  • The CNC machine requires constant maintenance, and if the machine breaks down, you may need to get it fixed.
  • A CNC machine requires a skilled operator who can set the programs based on the requirements of the components.

Advantages of Manual Machining

The benefits of manual machining are as follows:

  • Manual machines are low-cost and hence do not need any hefty investments.
  • Manual machines are easy to operate and do not need programming codes.
  • The machines are easy to maintain, and hence, the cost of maintenance is saved.
  • Manual machining offers better customization and is highly suitable for one-off projects.

Disadvantages of Manual Machining

Manual machining has some downsides, and some of these are as follows:

  • These machines process very slowly, and hence, it takes a longer time to produce a high volume of components.
  • They are human-dependent; hence, the chances of errors are high.
  • The process of manual machining is based on the expertise of the labor, and the cost can be affected by it. A highly skilled labor would offer efficiency but also charge more.

The Benefits of CNC Machines for Prototyping

benefits for prototyping

The different types of CNC machines have multiple benefits, and these are discussed in the section below.

CNC Mill Machine

CNC milling machines can create intricate and precise components using versatile materials. The process offers quick adjustments in the design as it is very important when testing the new layouts. Hence, every prototype offers consistent results.

CNC Lathe Machine

CNC lathe machines are ideally perfect for cylindrical components, like shafts and rounded parts. It offers a smooth finish and high-speed production and even adjusts the design parameters quickly leading to the creation of prototypes accurately.

EDM (Electric Discharge Machine)

EDM is suitable for manufacturing parts that have complex shapes and are made with hard materials. It uses electrical sparks to create components and fine detailing. Hence, it is a very suitable process for creating prototypes that have complex geometries and high accuracy.

Cost Factors Affecting CNC Machining vs. Manual Machining

The table below highlights the factors that impact the cost of CNC machining and manual machining.

Cost Factors CNC Machining Manual Machining
Application Demand High demand due to high precision Low demand due to slow processing.
Material Wastage Low material wastage High material wastage
Programming Requires skilled programmer Does not need programming
Involvement of Labor Minimal labor involvement Requires skilled labors
Maintenance Requirement High cost of maintenance Low cost of maintenance

CNC vs Manual Machining: Which is Better for You?

The guide above must have helped you differentiate between the two processes; however, which one is better for you depends on what your expectations and requirements are.

If you need highly accurate and precise components manufactured in less time, then CNC machining is a better choice. However, if you need to go for a cost-effective method of machining components, then manual machining is suitable.

There are various factors that you need to analyze while choosing between the two processes, among which budget and application requirements are the main considerations.

Get Started With CNC Machining at DEK

DEK is one of the leading CNC machining service providers. We used a wider range of materials, from metal to plastics, with well-equipped CNC machines and experienced machinists.

You can have high-quality components that are precise and accurate, which fall within your budget.


When starting a new project, it is very important to learn about the difference between CNC machining and manual machining. It helps you analyze which is the best and most suitable option for your project so that you can make an informed decision.


Is CNC machining safer than manual machining?

Yes, CNC machining is very safe compared to manual machining because everything is done by the machine in an automated way.

How does the skill set of a manual machinist differ from that of a CNC machinist?

Manual machinists have to set the feed rate, depth, and other parameters manually and hence need to be highly skilled.

Is CNC more accurate than manual machining?

Yes, CNC machining is a very accurate process of machining components and offers extremely tight tolerance.

Which industries still prefer manual machining over CNC machining?

Industries that prefer manual machining over CNC machining involve personalized components, replacement parts, and small-scale volume applications.

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Austin Peng
Co-founder of DEK
Hello! I'm Austin Peng. I manage a factory that specializes in CNC machining, injection molding, and sheet metal fabrication for small quantity production and rapid prototyping solutions. When I'm not immersed in work, I love diving into football matches, exploring new travel destinations, enjoying music, and staying updated on the latest tech trends. Feel free to chat with me about anything, whether it's work or life!


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